Home House Painter

Home House Painter



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Introducing Home House Painter

Home House Painter is an innovative and entertaining board game that offers players an immersive and creative experience in the world of home improvement and interior design. In this game, players take on the role of house painters, working together or competing to transform drab houses into vibrant, eye-catching homes.

In Home House Painter, players use a combination of strategy and artistic flair to select the right paint colors, plan their work schedules, and create stunning interior and exterior designs. The game is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels, making it a perfect choice for family game nights or gatherings with friends.

Game Rules:

  1. Objective: The objective of Home House Painter is to earn points by completing painting projects and creating the most aesthetically pleasing homes.

  2. Setup: Place the game board in the center of the table. Shuffle the paint color cards and project cards separately and place them face down as two separate decks. Each player selects a painter token and places it on the starting space. Players receive a set of paint brushes and a handful of currency cards.

  3. Game Rounds: The game is played in a series of rounds. Each round consists of the following phases:

    • Project Phase: At the start of each round, a project card is revealed, showing the specific requirements for a painting project, such as the number of rooms to be painted and the color palette to use.
    • Planning Phase: Players use their paint color cards to plan their projects, selecting the colors and the rooms to paint. Each project must adhere to the requirements listed on the project card.
    • Execution Phase: Players take turns executing their projects, painting the selected rooms with the chosen colors. They use their paint brushes to mark the painted rooms on the game board.
    • Scoring Phase: At the end of each round, players earn points based on the completed projects. Points are awarded for following the project requirements and creating harmonious color schemes. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
  4. Special Actions: Throughout the game, players can use their currency cards to take special actions, such as reselecting paint colors, altering project requirements, or gaining additional paint brushes.

  5. Game End: The game continues for a predetermined number of rounds, typically agreed upon before starting. The player with the most points at the end of the final round is declared the winner.

Home House Painter combines strategy, creativity, and a touch of artistic expression, offering players an engaging and fun experience. Whether you prefer to work cooperatively or compete head-to-head, this game provides hours of enjoyment as you bring homes to life with your painting skills.


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