Color Fill

Color Fill



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About Color Fill

Color Fill is a popular mobile puzzle game where players are tasked with filling in various shapes with a specific color. The game is designed to test your logic, spatial reasoning, and problem-solving skills.

Here are the basic game rules:

  1. Objective: The primary goal of Color Fill is to completely fill a given shape with a specific color. Shapes can vary in complexity, from simple squares and rectangles to intricate, multi-sided polygons.

  2. Color Limitation: Players have a limited number of moves to fill the shape. Each level presents a unique puzzle with a fixed number of moves available to complete the task. Efficiently utilizing your moves is crucial to success.

  3. Color Selection: At the beginning of each level, you are given a selection of colors. You must choose the appropriate color to fill the shape completely without exceeding the move limit.

  4. Overlapping and Incomplete Fills: Be careful not to overlap different colors within the shape, as this will lead to an incomplete fill. The entire shape must be a single, uniform color.

  5. Difficulty Progression: Color Fill typically features a progressive difficulty curve, with each level becoming more challenging than the previous one. This ensures that players are continually challenged and engaged.

  6. Time Constraints: Some levels may include time constraints, requiring you to fill the shape within a specified time limit. These levels demand quick thinking and precision.

  7. Hints and Undo Options: Many Color Fill games offer hints or undo options to assist players who may be stuck on a particular level. These tools can be valuable aids when facing more complex puzzles.

  8. Scoring: Your score in Color Fill is often based on factors such as the number of moves used and the time taken to complete a level. Striving for higher scores can add an extra layer of challenge and replay value.

Color Fill is a satisfying and addictive puzzle game that offers a wide range of challenges and puzzles to keep players engaged. It's a game that combines visual thinking and problem-solving, making it suitable for players of all ages and skill levels.


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